Tuesday 17 June 2014

Internship. Episode #11

The cold weather has definitely settled in the Cape. Rain, thunderstorms, hail - the works. The Brazil World Cup has also kicked off, with a slightly disappointing opening ceremony. The games have been exciting though, especially this evenings' one - Germany thrashing the Portuguese, 4 goals to 0. 

Anyhow - This past week I done a fair amount of admin work for Eikestad. Doing Occupation Certificate Schedules for the various anchor and national stores which are housed in the Eikestad Mall and apartments - which include base plan drawings of the specific shop, showing a locality plan of where the shop is housed in the Mall and also where it sits on the overall site. Slightly tedious, but it didn't take long till I got the hang of it. 

I'm also excited to announce that both BP Rosmead and BP President Motors will be going on site this coming week. A great feeling to know that your hard work and strenuous effort into ideas and drawings will be put to construction and made a reality. The site hand-over meeting will take place on Wednesday, 18th July. 

A third proposal was also put into place, for a secondary wind lobby situated in the Eikestad Mall. Below are a few rendered sketches, similar to the ones in the previous posts, for the clients approval. 

All images are copyrighted and remain the property of the rightful owners

This past weekend it was also a long weekend, today being Youth Day - so the family thought it would be great to kick back, regardless of the cold weather and go away for the long weekend. Along the coast, its always a stunning scene. 

Below is a stunning picture I captured and just had to share, before the sunset this evening. Couldn't have ended the weekend off on a better note.

Copyright: Vikash Parbhoo Photography 

Enjoy the World Cup matches. 
Until next time folks. 


Saturday 14 June 2014

Pick of the Week - Albizia House

Entwining simplicity and sophistication in a harmonious way, Albizia House, situated on the Simbithi Eco-Estate in the providence of the Kwazulu-Natal, occupies an expansive yet naturally luscious site.

Architects: Metropole Architects 
Location: Simbithi Eco Estate, Durban; South Africa
Structural Engineers: Young & Satharia
Interior Designers: Union 3
Area: 1 000sqm
Year: 2013

The two-storey family home boasts the look and feel of natural materials, such as off-shutter concrete, decking, timber screens and natural stone, blending with the bold architectural shape, creating a comfortable, yet intimate atmosphere. Offering beautiful & relaxing panoramic vistas to indulge upon, the house is definitely a 'home' which makes it a warm place to live in.

The design of the house, influenced by the 'Googie' architecture of American society's attraction for fascination and futuristic designs, make this building a modern, yet eye-caching work of art. Complemented by a large pool, featuring glass panels between the basement cinema and water, it definitely makes for quite an impressive visual experience.

The architectural style 'Googie', dates back to 1949. Which embodies forms of modern architecture and a subdivision of futuristic architecture, together with style and sophistication. It is also characterized by design forms symbolic to motion, including up-swept roofs, geometric curvaceous shapes, and the bold use of glass, steel and neon - the spirit which is defined and embodied in the Albizia House.

The architectural elements are a perfect contrast of the farmstyle code of the Simbithi Eco Estate. Within the living space of the home, soft interior finishes introduce more of the essence of the nature in he array of wallpaper, scatter cushions and wall-art, placed with great symmetry by the interior design team. Last, but not least, the plot boasts a wonderful garden cottage, more aptly known as the 'Annex'.

"Architecture is inhabited sculpture" - Constantin Brancusi

Photographs: Grant Pitcher Photography
All images are copyrighted and remain the property of their rightful owners. 


Saturday 7 June 2014

Internship. Episode #10

Already the middle month of the year - ridiculous how quick time flies past our daily routines. Seems to be that Winter is also settling in pretty quickly in Cape Town. The umbrella and trench coat has definitely not left me these past couple of days. 

Anyhow, this past week at work I have been working on a an ablution layout design for BP President Motor. I was also given the opportunity to design a safety cat-ladder to be situated on the 4th floor of Mill Square.

Together with that, we had additional proposals for the Mill Square/ Eikestad Link Bridge design and finishes. The bridge will connect from the 3rd floor of the Mill Square apartments and link with the Eikestad Mall, close to the Virgin Active entrance. This will provide ease of access and a a vibrant moving atmosphere around the apartments and mall. 

The facade of the link bridge will have glass cladding, being supported with an overall steel frame structure and steel frame grid flooring structure with the option of a timber or tiled flooring finish. Below are a few proposed sketch renders for the clients viewing purpose. 

All images are copyrighted and remain the property of the rightful owners
