Monday 14 April 2014

Pick of the Week - Spa House

A modern house I've had my eye on for the past few years and finally making the effort to review it. From my perception I consider the structure as a combination of geometric and abstract architectural elements which are emphasized over a large volumetric waterscape, accompanied by stunning mountainside backdrops and panoramic views of the bay & harbour.

Architects: Metropolis Design
Location: Avenue Suzanna - Hout Bay, Cape Town; South Africa
Clients: Cape Dream Stay
Year: 2010


Interior. Click images for larger preview.

The house proves to be a floating form as it is dramatically pronounced by the extent of water, as a primary element. The transparency of the water seems to make the building lack structural support, creating a strong presence of the surrounding natural forms and elements, despite the abstraction. 

Linking to the stagger of floor-planes and spatial interplay, the guest accommodation unit "floats" over the water and projects towards the sea. Pool decks are also arranged in a staggered manner of islands, connected by bridges. Making the house even more interesting, it houses a underwater spa with large viewing window panels, offering a mystic yet still atmosphere. 

Strategically placed, the building mass acts as a windbreaker, protecting the pool from the strong south-easterly winds that sneak up from behind the mountainside. Both interior and exterior finish are continuous, which minimizes that defined distinction, between inside and outside. 

Overall, the house boasts various dynamic structural forms comprising out of steel, concrete and the rich usage of timber - all intertwined by the natural forms the beautiful Cape Town has to offer. 

Click images for larger preview

Photos courtesy: Metropolis Design

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