Saturday 22 March 2014

World Design Capital 2014 - Cape Town

What is WDC2014?
For those who do not already know, this prestigious status is designated by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID), to cities whom are dedicated to using design for various social, cultural and economic development. This title will specifically give Cape Town a chance to embrace and showcase its talent and aspirations it has to offer, throughout this year through various design events, conferences and activities.


Cape Town is anticipated to host over 460 Transforming Design Projects throughout the year of 2014. The central theme, being 'Live Design, Transform Life', which led to being the city's focal point of the successful bid. 

The Bidding Story

Cape Town could be perceived as a contrast of two cities merged into one. On the one side, a wild beauty and sophisticated generation enriched with a fast-paced society; on the other, a story of poverty and urban segregation. The difference, is what connects us four million inhabitants, who share the same hopes, depend on the same resources and whose future prospects are inseparable.

Through design, the city is able to be reshaped for a better, more efficient living environment for all residents of Cape Town. That is why the World Design Capital 2014 is not just a scheme of events, but a mere step in the future of various events. Events on how the city and the people of the city approach development and at the same time, approach design in a manner to transform beautiful Cape Town. 

Four themes have been developed to simplify the submissions of the various proposed projects.

01.   African Innovation. Global Conversation.
02.   Bridging the divide.
03.   Today for tomorrow.
04.   Beautiful Space. Beautiful Things.


Sunday 16 March 2014

Internship. Episode #05

Friday, Cake-day. I seem to have gotten fairly used to this trend around the dhk office. Every Friday cake is served, in celebration of any given staff member, if their birthday was in the week. A great incentive, I think!

Nonetheless, the past week week I continued with the Council Submission drawings for President Motors. 

On Friday, we were back on site. Not only for a site visit and to monitor progress, but also to attend a site Meeting with the clients of the Mill Square and Eikestad Redevelopment project and the rest of the consultants. Rather intimidating I would have to say. Anyhow, below are a few images taken on site. Interesting to see how it is shaping up - slowly but surely

All images are copyrighted: Vikash Parbhoo Photography


Saturday 8 March 2014

Internship. Episode #04

Back to the dhk office and my ocean-facing 'cubicle'!

Having no other option than pull one or two all-nighters during the block week, due to the minimal time to meet the allocated deadline, I was rather exhausted when it came to Monday. Nonetheless, a morning cup of good coffee always seems to do the job (in short bursts). 

Work wise, I continued where I left off with the Construction drawings for Mill Square. Various amendments to sectional and plan details. I had the opportunity of designing an ablution layout too, located on the 3rd floor at the West-end of the building. In correlation with the overall 4th floor plan, the 4 external elevations had to be amended, accordingly. 

Balancing two projects at once? That's correct. 
I was introduced to the BP President Motors refurbishment project, of the Retail and Store areas. This is where the conformity of a Council Submission drawing was laid out to me - my first Council Submission drawing! A locality plan with boundaries, servitude's, erf numbers, the works; together with a General floor plan, accompanied by external and internal elevations. 

Of course, if there is a proposed shop-front or door, a schedule has to be drawn up. My first of many schedules for the year I suppose. Luckily just one external aluminium shop-front schedule for President Motors.