Saturday 8 March 2014

Internship. Episode #04

Back to the dhk office and my ocean-facing 'cubicle'!

Having no other option than pull one or two all-nighters during the block week, due to the minimal time to meet the allocated deadline, I was rather exhausted when it came to Monday. Nonetheless, a morning cup of good coffee always seems to do the job (in short bursts). 

Work wise, I continued where I left off with the Construction drawings for Mill Square. Various amendments to sectional and plan details. I had the opportunity of designing an ablution layout too, located on the 3rd floor at the West-end of the building. In correlation with the overall 4th floor plan, the 4 external elevations had to be amended, accordingly. 

Balancing two projects at once? That's correct. 
I was introduced to the BP President Motors refurbishment project, of the Retail and Store areas. This is where the conformity of a Council Submission drawing was laid out to me - my first Council Submission drawing! A locality plan with boundaries, servitude's, erf numbers, the works; together with a General floor plan, accompanied by external and internal elevations. 

Of course, if there is a proposed shop-front or door, a schedule has to be drawn up. My first of many schedules for the year I suppose. Luckily just one external aluminium shop-front schedule for President Motors. 

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