Saturday 17 May 2014

Internship. Episode #08

Voting Day took place last week on the 7th. It was a great experience to have voted for the first time ever, being a born-free citizen of South Africa. To be able to contribute towards a better future, one vote at a time - it's a great opportunity.

Weather wise, it has been rather cold in Cape Town. I suppose there has been a bug going around, affecting quite a bit of colleagues at work. That too, and the air-conditioning system I suppose. Regardless of the bitterly cold mornings, construction has been progressing well in Stellenbosch. Yesterday morning we were on site, monitoring the progress as such. The past week we were also on site, for the roof-wetting ceremony. My first roof-wetting ceremony to date. Basically, a function to celebrate the roof being on he building, including all the contractors, site managers, architects and everyone who is involved in the construction of Mill Square. Below are a couple of images taken of the progress of work, not forgetting a snap of the stunning views from the 4th floor. 

Mill Square 4th floor progress:

 Mill Square to Eikestad link bridge progress:

The Monochrome? Well - just one of those days!

All images are copyrighted: Vikash Parbhoo Photography

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