Friday 22 August 2014

Internship. Episode #14

Site Visits, site visits... and more site visits. This past week was spent mostly in Stellenbosch on site at the Mill Square Apartments which are still in progress and the completed Eikestad Mall. Quite a bit of inspections were completed together with the snagging of finishes, shopfronts, external works and the Mill Square roof. 

Apart from being on site, it was my mentor, Niaz - his last day at work at dhk architects today as he wanted to pursue a project management position at another company elsewhere. The knowledge I have gained as well as opportunities exposed to will not be lost, since my first day working under Niaz. 

Needless to say, I wish him all the best in all his future en-devours as well as to thank him for all that he has taught me. Below are images I had taken on site in Stellenbosch this week of the complete stages and external works of the project. Enjoy.

Eikestad Mall / Andringa Walk . Stellenbosch
Complete & in-progress external works + complete internal works

 Click on images for larger preview. 
All images are copyrighted and remain the property of Vikash Parbhoo Photography. 

Mill Square Apartments / Delphi Building . Stellenbosch
Complete & in-progress external works + (the stunning view)

Click on images for larger preview. 
All images are copyrighted and remain the property of Vikash Parbhoo Photography. 


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