Sunday 23 February 2014

Internship. Episode #03

A week out of the office and back to the books!

This past week was a 'block session week' - where all the 2nd year students were required to partake in a group work project back at the University of Technology. The project was to be completed and submitted at the end of the week for evaluation by a board of lecturers. 

'Pop-Up Store', was the name of the allocated project. Basically, a mobile structure had to be designed to serve the purpose of a shop for retail purposes or providing services to the community of both Khayelitsha and tourists, whom would be visiting the Makhaza Wetlands Park, which houses a lovely interactive park, outdoor gym facilities and a nearby river for in-season water-sports. 

Timber framework and decking was used for the intended structure, raised above the ground, to compensate for overflowing of the nearby river during the Winter seasons. Below are a few basic sketch designs of the culmination of ideas.

All images are copyrighted: Vikash Parbhoo

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