Sunday 6 April 2014

Internship. Episode #06

It has been interesting working on a culmination of various projects the past few weeks, including various types of drawings too. 

I have been introduced to two new BP refurbishment projects. Namely, BP Rosmead in Kenilworth, and BP Wine Route in Klapmuts. For both projects, I have been working on the Council Submission plans. Basically, the exact same format applied to the BP President Motors submission - Locality plan, general floor plan(s), external elevations and sections. 

While balancing most of my attention on the three BP projects, I was still involved with the Mill Square drawings. I was briefed about what leasing and base plan layouts entail and had to issue the necessary drawings to the specific clients. 

I also had the opportunity of designing a steel fire escape staircase, leading from the 4th floor Mill Square building, downwards to the 3rd floor. When designing/proposing something new, it first has to be issued for Information. Thereafter if the proposal is approved and is according to engineers specifications, then the design is good to go and can be issued for Construction. 

Other than work topics, it was pretty misty the past couple of days this week. Thought I'd capture this shot of Portside (building on the right hand side, designed by dhk), disappearing through the mist, while walking to work one morning.

Selected image is copyrighted: VikashParbhoo Photography


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