Monday 28 April 2014

Pick of the week - SGNW House

South Africa definitely offers stunning modern contemporary architecture, especially when you take a look at the residential and private homes. For the second time, I have the pleasure in reviewing one of Metropole Architects stunning work. SGNW House truly fascinates me, not only being another contemporary South African jewel, but the clean lines it has to offer. 

Architects: Metropole Architects
Location: Zimbali Forest Estate, Kwazulu-Natal; South Africa
Year: 2011

"Clean architectural lines with the warmth and Zen like ambiance". 
- Metropole Architects

High end contemporary architecture has been materialized all of the world, along with the extreme organic architecture and parametric designs. This jewel of a house features high end materials and every feature that one can possibly desire. The aesthetics are based on three main materials; stone, glass and wood, along with other materials of high end architecture apparel. Positioned on a cliff, the home offers stunning views of the city scape, especially during night time. 

The home portrays a strong sense of flow, with the several bodies of water around the exterior of the house, including Koi ponds, water features and a rim-flow swimming pool, which transcends into one and flows through the house and out into the forest. The stacked roof is fragmented and linked with solid roof slabs, in correspondence with the arrangement of the rooms below, signifying a level of hierarchy. 

There is a sense of buoyancy, as the main bedroom area cantilevers a mere six meters above the patio below, providing once again a sense of flow in the area below, as well as protection from the weather. As seen in the images, it is clear that there are large amounts of glazing which optimize views of the indigenous eco-life around the house and providing a maximum amount of natural light, when needed. 

The raw materials such as timber, off shutter concrete, natural stone cladding and of course the flow of water, show off the crisp lines and warm Zen like ambiance. 

Click images for larger preview
Photography: Grant Pitcher

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