Monday 21 April 2014

Pick of the Week - Andrew Road Residence

Designs and Architectural forms in Singapore & abroad never fail to fascinate me. So does this weeks 'Pick of the Week', which I have the pleasure in reviewing. Moving Internationally this week, this dream home is one of a kind; situated in the central city, overlooking the MacRitchie Reservoir - Singapore's oldest and most popular Reservoir.

Architects: a-dlab
Location: Andrew Road - Singapore; Southeast Asia
Area: 650sqm
Year: 2013

There is quite an interesting story behind the fascinating shape of this house. The architect had to deal with noise issues from the close proximity of a busy highway. Not just that, but the undulating terrain of the neighbourhood is also unusual, which results in plots of land being a storey below street level; leading to the entrance on the second storey level, of many houses along that street. 

The architect appreciated and made use of this feature by positioning communal functions in a lower level 'sunken' court, being shielded from the noise of the highway, as well as providing a high level of privacy and intimacy for the residents. 

The roof appears externally, as folds and forms emerging out of the ground. Which links to the undulating terrain, as the roof forms are covered in turf, further defining the continuation of the natural green landscapes. At certain areas, the roof folds upwards from the earth, allowing a certain amount of light and wind into the 'sunken' court. Besides the natural elements and free flowing forms, I personally love the rich use of glass walls, which are accompanied by timber blinds, creating a dual aspect of allowing a maximum amount of natural light in, and providing the necessary privacy at times. 

Interior wise, the main rooms are wrapped around corridors and staircases, acting as noise buffers, which also focuses the viewpoint from the rooms to the central courtyard. This creates a sense of drama too, as the 'viewer' moves through the house via these corridors and hidden hallways.

Combining the rich use of clean white marble, dark wood and glass panes, together with the naturalistic feel of lush terrain and the focal point of a swimming pool, this is truly one dream home. Take a look at the photos below to better understand the look and feel to this stunning home. 

Click images for larger preview.

Photography: Derek Swalwell

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